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Rosanna Lisa Arquette is a BAFTA-winning American actress. She speaks with activist & author Jay Ponti to discuss the earth’s state of affairs.

ROSANNA: I feel really horrible about how my generation has left this planet to my daughter and the next generation. It's a huge mess. But I have to tell you: the hope that I have is in these young people who are so much smarter than me. And they're the voters, folks. Watch out.

JAY: You were working behind the scenes at the beginning to ignite the #MeToo movement. How did you link the #MeToo movement and the fight for climate justice?

ROSANNA: Mother Earth is being raped. She's trying to survive in this trauma. And I feel like that's what happens in terms of people who have been sexually assaulted, the trauma that comes along with it, and the choices they make through the years. It's the soul core wound and I feel like we're doing that to the earth. We're just not respecting her, treating her like that. It’s like when you and I were at Standing Rock, together, right? And I had this moment where I thought: they're raping the land and brutalizing the water protectors, brutalizing the people coming to support them. And then there were the people that were trying to move in and wreak havoc from within. They were pretending they were activists, but they were infiltrators.

JAY: If people don't know : Standing Rock was a pipeline fight in North Dakota, where 500 tribes and over 10,000 people came from all over the world, to face off against the government and an oil company, and government-sponsored mercenaries, Blackwater-style.

ROSANNA: Yes. Now we have to hone into the spiritual truth within ourselves, as many people that can join hands in that energy, as many as we can. Maybe I'm naive, but I do believe it's powerful. I wish we could get energetically back to a place of love and light, more than darkness and hatred. I don't want to feel hopeless. I don't want to feel like we have no power. You could use love or higher power or just say God, but it can be anything. Lord God, Buddha, whatever you want. “God, please help me forgive all people. Thank you, God, amen”… That's a personal cleanse to clear toxic energy. We’re like the ocean which is also a living thing. And we're just poisoning it every day. But I don't want to feel hopeless. I don't want to feel like we have no power. And I do believe that it's going to come from the young people who are really smart, and the climate justice activists that are in their 20s are just powerhouses. I can learn so much from them.