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Fogtown’s Michelle Stratton interviews the Dude, who inspired “The Dude” of The Big Lebowski. He is an archetype: the holy fool. And like St. Francis originally, so to speak. But the point is, one of the things people like about him is he’s a pot smoking guy who doesn't seem to give a shit. On the surface he pretends he doesn't, but he does care.

THE DUDE: At Cornell [in 1970], where we were, Black students took over the Student Union one weekend, and when they were attacked by white fraternities, students with guns were arming themselves. This was happening throughout the country with no attempts to integrate. And this also is the roots of the expansion of the women's movement and feminism.

People were working to break the glass ceiling.

I see a lot of amazing things that the younger generation is doing.

Those kids are in their 20s and that gives me a lot of hope. To adequately assess the problem of existence, we have two bad choices here: poverty or polluting the world are not choices, okay. And as you know, we can have much greener societies and we can resist. We can change the things that are creating climate change.

That we can do. So that makes me hopeful.